

Qualification details

DEF80220 - Graduate Certificate in Explosives (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to DEF72115 - Graduate Certificate in Explosive Ordnance 25/Oct/2020

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 26/Oct/2020

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code columnTitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title columnUsage RecommendationSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Usage Recommendation columnEssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column
MSS407012 - Lead a process to determine and solve root cause for a complex problemLead a process to determine and solve root cause for a complex problemSupersededElective
DEFEXO084 - Apply knowledge of explosive chemistryApply knowledge of explosive chemistryCurrentElective
DEFEXO085 - Apply knowledge of explosive physicsApply knowledge of explosive physicsCurrentElective
DEFTST006 - Analyse test dataAnalyse test dataCurrentElective
DEFEXO086 - Apply knowledge of explosive materialsApply knowledge of explosive materialsCurrentElective
PSPPCY006 - Develop organisation policyDevelop organisation policyDeletedElective
DEFEXO001 - Work safely with explosive ordnanceWork safely with explosive ordnanceCurrentCore
MSS407003 - Analyse process changesAnalyse process changesSupersededElective
PUAEMR011 - Manage and evaluate emergency management exercisesManage and evaluate emergency management exercisesSupersededElective
DEFTST007 - Apply knowledge of test and evaluation processesApply knowledge of test and evaluation processesCurrentElective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 14


SchemeCodeClassification value
ANZSCO Identifier 441111 Defence Force Member - Other Ranks 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0999 Other Society And Culture 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 221 Graduate Certificate 
Taxonomy - Industry Sector N/A Defence Services 
Taxonomy - Occupation N/A No Specific Job Role 

Classification history

SchemeCodeClassification valueStart dateEnd date
ANZSCO Identifier 441111 Defence Force Member - Other Ranks 26/Oct/2020 
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0999 Other Society And Culture 26/Oct/2020 
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 221 Graduate Certificate 26/Oct/2020 
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Modification History

Release 1. This qualification was released in DEF Defence Training Package release 3.0.

Qualification Description

This qualification allows for the attainment of competencies in explosive ordnance.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Entry Requirements


Packaging Rules

8 units of competency are required for this qualification:

  • 2 core units
  • 6 elective units

Choose a minimum of 3 electives from Group A.

Choose the remaining 3 electives from the list below or from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.

All elective units selected from outside this qualification must reflect the occupational and learning outcomes of this AQF qualification level.

Elective units selected must not duplicate content already covered by other units in this qualification. 

Core units 


Work safely with explosive ordnance


Apply a knowledge of explosives

Group A: Specialisation units 


Apply knowledge of explosive chemistry


Apply knowledge of explosive physics


Apply knowledge of explosive materials


Control engineering and logistic processes


Analyse test data


Analyse process changes


Lead a process to determine and solve root cause for a complex problem

Group B: General elective units 


Apply knowledge of test and evaluation processes


Develop organisation policy


Manage and evaluate emergency management exercises


Design emergency management exercises


Apply knowledge of logistics

Qualification Mapping Information

This qualification supersedes and is equivalent to DEF72115 Graduate Certificate in Explosive Ordnance.


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