

Skill set details

DEFSS00012 - Defence Chaplain Skill Set (Release 1)


Usage recommendation:
Supersedes and is equivalent to DEFSS00002 - Defence ChaplainUnits updated 16/Aug/2017

Release Status:
ReleaseRelease date
1 1 (this release) 17/Aug/2017

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Modification History

Release 1. New Skill Set.

This Skill Set replaces and is equivalent to DEFSS00002 Defence Chaplain.


This skill set allows for the attainment of competencies in Defence Chaplaincy.

Pathways Information

The DEFSS00012 Defence Chaplain Skill Set is part of the DEF Defence Training Package.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this skill set at the time of publication.

Skill Set Requirements

A total of 5 units of competency must be attained. 


Provide pastoral care


Provide ethical and pastoral advice


Plan the delivery of chaplaincy support


Conduct and facilitate religious observances and activities


Perform as an effective member of the Chaplains’ branch

Target Group

Defence Chaplains provide service to men and women in uniform in peace time and operational environments. They also help care for the families of serving members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Their primary aim is to serve denominational members and their families, to facilitate services for those of other denominations or faiths, and to care for all personnel regardless of any religious affiliation.

Suggested words for Statement of Attainment

This skill set meets industry requirements as specified in the DEF Defence Training Package for work in the area of Defence Chaplaincy.